Science Fiction Age
Magazine DescriptionScience Fiction Age is a magazine for the serious sci-fi reader. Each bimonthly issue features fiction from the foremost authors with illustrations by today's leading artists. Book and movie reviews, interviews, and science facts supplement the "Alternative Media" section, which focuses on interactive technology, games, comics, collectibles, videos, and more.
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Magazine DescriptionPremiere is a monthly magazine that takes readers behind the scenes of newly released and soon-to-be-released films. The magazine answers questions about the business and art of moviemaking and helps readers get a better understanding of cinema. Premiere also features interviews, profiles, and film commentary.
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Harlequin World's Best Romances
Magazine DescriptionHarlequin World's Best Romances is produced bimonthly and provides the reader with the finest in short story romances. Find a world of love, romance, intrigue, and suspense with every issue of the magazine.
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Entertainment Specialty Projects
Magazine DescriptionESP is a monthly magazine on entertainment and specialty retailing and real estate, including downtown redevelopment. In addition to the magazine, subscribers can receive 3 monthly faxes or emails providing the most current developments in specialty leasing and development. ESP provides leads and insight into expanding entertainment and specialty retailers, while providing detailed information on new specialty projects.
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Writer's Digest
Magazine DescriptionWriter's Digest is the world's leading magazine for writers. Each monthly issue is filled with expert instruction, inspiration, and information on every aspect of the writing life from how to target manuscripts and captivate editors, to effectively overcome writer's block and negotiate fees.
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